Eligibility & Requirements

approvedTo be considered for membership and residence at Chautauqua Co-op, applicants must complete the prescribed application form with full information as indicated, pay a fee of $20.00 per adult household member and participate in a membership interview. Acceptance will be by  a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chautauqua Co-op has a mandate to serve the needs of the people who are not adequately serviced by the commercial housing market and/or who would benefit from and contribute to a community that has its basis In the principles of co-operation. The main objective of the membership selection process of  Chautauqua Co-op is to choose the best possible members for the Co-op, taking in account the needs of the community and the needs of the individual.

Therefore, the criteria for membership selection shall include:

  • a willingness to participate in the development of Chautauqua as a community;
  • a willingness to respect human and civil rights of others;
  • a willingness to abide by the Bylaws, Agreements, Policies and Regulations set by the Co-op;
  • a willingness to allow a credit check as proof of financial responsibility;
  • a need appropriate to the available unit;
  • an indication of permanency or at least long-term residence.

Upon approval by the Board of Directors and signing of the Housing Agreement, the member is entitled to quiet enjoyment of the unit assigned as long as the member continues to uphold and abide by the terms of the Bylaws, Agreements, Policies and Regulations set by the Co-op from time to time.


Download The Form


Members Monthly Costs

2 Bedroom

$820.00 Monthly

3 Bedroom A

$890.00 Monthly

3 Bedroom B

$925.00 Monthly

4 Bedroom

$ Monthly